About the model policy

Most public sector organisations are required by the Standing Directions 2018 Instructions to have a policy on gifts, benefits and hospitality.

The Commission recommends that all organisations have one. We offer this model policy to assist your organisation.

Gifts, benefit and hospitality model policy

How to use the model policy

The model policy can be used by government departments, administrative offices, public entities, and special bodies under section 6 of the Public Administration Act 2004. Statutory offices can also choose to adopt the model policy.

Your organisation can adapt the model policy to take into account:

  • your organisation’s functions
  • any specific obligations about gifts, benefits and hospitality in its establishing Act or terms of reference.

Your organisation’s policy must be at least as strict as the minimum accountabilities we issue. This model policy is based on them.

Some organisations choose to make their policy stricter than the model policy.

Who this policy applies to

This model policy applies to:

  • the organisation’s employees
  • contractors, consultants and labour hire employees required as part of their contract to comply with your policies
  • other workplace participants (if any) that your organisation chooses to apply its policy to.

Some organisations choose to apply their policy more widely – for example, to members of advisory groups not covered by a board policy.

Who is exempt from this policy

This model policy does not apply to board members (directors).

This is because, whilst they are based on similar principles, the requirements for employees and board members differ.