Page 1 of 5 pages of infographic representations of the statistical highlights from the State of the Public Sector in Victoria 2016-2017 report.

Page 1 includes

3446 Public Sector bodies, 285692 employees, 4.1% growth from 2016, 2090 executives.

Distribution of FTE employees by industry group: 34% Public health care; 26% Government schools; 17% public service; 11% Police and emergency services; 6% Creative industries, finance, transport and other; 3% Water and land management; 3% TAFE and other education.

For additional assistance with these infographics please contact VPSC on 03 9651 1321

Page 2 of 5 pages of infographic representations of the statistical highlights from the State of the Public Sector in Victoria 2016-2017 report.

Page 2 includes

Median salary $78702; Median executive remuneration $.

Work location: 14% Melbourne CBD; 70% Metropolitan Melbourne; 30% regional Victoria.

Employment status: 55% full time; 45% part time; 72% ongoing; 19% fixed term; 10% casual.

Non casual employees turnover: 13% new start rate; 10% separation rate.

Eduction. Bachelor degree or higher: 67%

For additional assistance with these infographics please contact VPSC on 03 9651 1321

Page 3 of 5 pages of infographic representations of the statistical highlights from the State of the Public Sector in Victoria 2016-2017 report.

Page 3 includes the average age of employees is 43, 67% of employees are female, 44% of executives are female.

For additional assistance with these infographics please contact VPSC on 03 9651 1321

Page 4 of 5 pages of infographic representations of the statistical highlights from the State of the Public Sector in Victoria 2016-2017 report.

Page 4 includes: Diversity of the workforce: 1% Aboriginal; 3% of employees have a disability, 22% were born overseas, 5% LGBTI.

Number of public sector boards: 3404; with 32208 board members.

For additional assistance with these infographics please contact VPSC on 03 9651 1321

Page 5 of 5 pages of infographic representations of the statistical highlights from the State of the Public Sector in Victoria 2016-2017 report.

Page 5 shows statistics for public boards and contains the footnotes for the 5 pages of the infographic.

Includes profile of board members: 84% volunteer their time, 69% are aged over 55, 38% are female, 0.8% are aboriginal, 11% are culturally and linguistically diverse.

The 10 footnotes follow:

  1. Public entities with no employees include advisory boards, the majority of cemetery trusts, and most small Crown land committees of management
  2. New start rate is the number of employees commencing within the year divided by the total number of active employees at June 2017 and employees who separated over the year
  3. People Matter Survey 2017 and Workforce data collection 2017
  4. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Employment and Work, Australia May 2017 Catalogue no. 62270 Victoria
  5. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Labour Force, Australia, Detailed, Catalogue No. 6291.0.55.001, LM1 Nov 2017
  6. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Labour Force, Catalogue No. 6291.0.55.001 August 2017
  7. Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2016 Census of Population and Housing
  8. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Disability, Aging and Carers, Australia: Victorian 2015, Catalogue no. 4430.0 People with a disability that represents an employment restriction.
  9. Australian Bureau of Statistics, General Social Survey: Summary results, Australia 2014 Catalogue no. 4159.0
  10. Does not include school councilors or Crown land committees of management members, representing 73% of all board members

For additional assistance with these infographics please contact VPSC on 03 9651 1321