Why participate

The survey helps organisations:

  • understand how staff perceive they demonstrate the values, codes of conduct, employment principles and standards
  • compare results with comparator organisations and the public sector
  • determine where to improve
  • help make changes to policies, processes and culture to improve workplace wellbeing

About the Survey

The People Matter Survey is the Victorian public sector’s annual employee opinion survey for Victorian public sector organisations.

The survey is run by the Victorian Public Sector Commission to support the public sector.

In 2019, the survey captured the views and experiences of 92,215 people from 196 organisations.

The survey helps organisations build positive workplace cultures.

This year’s survey will be a shorter survey focusing on employee wellbeing.

The PMS survey will run in October 2020 to enable public sector organisations to track the progress of their own workforce strategies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

What the survey tells us

The survey results tell us how employees see their workplaces, including views on wellbeing and change as we adapt through the pandemic.

Organisations use the results to work out how to improve the working environment for their employees.

Key changes in 2020

Organisation level participation

For 2020, all organisations are invited to participate in this year’s optional survey By doing the survey this year, organisations can:

  • track progress on key focus areas of health and wellbeing
  • assess the progress of their own workforce strategies around COVID-19
  • build the evidence they need to continually improve

Improved Reports

We are improving survey result reports to make them easier for you to understand and act on.