
Public officials should demonstrate impartiality by:

  • making decisions and providing advice on merit and without bias, caprice, favouritism or self-interest; and
  • acting fairly by objectively considering all relevant facts and fair criteria; and
  • implementing  Government  policies and programs equitably.

(Public Administration Act 2004, s. 7)

4.1   Decisions and Advice

Public sector employees make decisions and provide advice that is free of prejudice or favouritism and is based on sound judgement. Before making a decision or providing advice, public sector employees consider relevant information and the impact on the Government, community and other public sector employees. Their decisions are not affected by personal influences.

4.2   Gifts and Benefits

Public sector employees do not – for themselves or others – seek gifts and benefits (including hospitality). They refuse all offers of gifts and benefits that could reasonably be perceived as influencing them or undermining the integrity of their organisation or themselves.

Public sector employees comply with any policies of their employer in relation to accepting, declaring and recording the receipt of gifts or benefits.

If unsure about responding to an offer of a gift or benefit, public sector employees seek advice from their manager.

4.3   Acting Fairly

Public sector employees deal with issues consistently, fairly and in a timely manner. Public sector employees use fair criteria, and consider all relevant information in dealing with issues.

Being fair means being just and working within commonly accepted rules.

4.4   Implementing Government Policies and Programs

Public sector employees implement government policies and programs fairly and without bias. Their decisions and actions are consistent with relevant policies and are based on merit and careful consideration of the relevant facts. Public sector employees seek to achieve equitable outcomes within the extent of their authority.