Your organisation should deal with alleged breaches consistent with the Public Administration Act 2004 (the Act), the relevant employee code, its policy and any other obligations that apply.

Take a graduated approach.

Ensure your organisation responds in a fair, proportionate and reasonable manner. In some instances, this will mean no action is taken. In others, depending on the circumstances, the matter will be dealt with:

  • on an informal basis, for example, through education or counselling
  • through a performance management process or similar, or
  • if other methods are not appropriate, through a misconduct process.

A finding of misconduct may amount to a breach of the code of conduct. Serious misconduct can result in termination of employment.

Contractors may be subject to contract renegotiation or termination.

If a criminal offence has occurred, the Victoria or Federal Police may investigate and prosecute.

To assist, we’ve incorporated this approach into: