Notes 2022
Continuing operations
Income from transactions
Grants 2.2 32,040,306 12,871,414
Provision of services 2.3 7,826,209 5,054,447
Total income from transactions 39,866,515 17,925,861
Expenses from transactions
Employee benefits 3.2.1 20,391,790 14,376,757
Depreciation 4.3 464,401 308,188
Interest expense 88 1,537
Grant expenses 3.3 1,567,200
Capital asset charge (i) 3.4 13,508
Other operating expenses 3.5 18,483,916 5,688,520
Total expenses from transactions 40,907,395 20,388,510
Net result from transactions (net operating balance) (1,040,880) (2,462,649)
Other economic flows included in net result
Net (loss)/gain on non-financial assets 22,307
Net gain (loss) arising from revaluation of leave liabilities 187,438 220,195
Total other economic flows included in net result 209,745 220,195
Net result (831,135) (2,242,454)
Comprehensive result (831,135) (2,242,454)

The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.


(i) Capital Asset Charge was discontinued in 2021-22, with a corresponding reduction in appropriation revenue provided to the Commission to cover the expense. Refer to note 3.3 for further detail.