Our role
Our roles under legislation are to:
- Strengthen the efficiency, effectiveness and capability of the public sector in order to meet existing and emerging needs and deliver high quality services
- Maintain, and advocate for, public sector professionalism and integrity.
The Commission helps strengthen public sector efficiency, effectiveness and capability by:
- providing advice and support on issues relevant to public sector administration, governance, service delivery and workforce management and development
- developing policy and initiatives in response to whole of government workforce priorities
- collecting, analysing, and reporting on whole of government data
- conducting enquiries as directed under the Act by the Premier
It helps maintain public sector integrity by:
- advocating for an apolitical and professional public sector
- issuing and applying codes of conduct and standards
- monitoring and reporting to public sector body Heads on compliance with the public sector values, codes of conduct and public sector employment principles and standards
- reviewing employment related actions and making relevant recommendations
- maintaining a register of lobbyists and a register of instruments made under the Act.
The Commission also drives, coordinates or assists with delivery of a range of projects and programs to support the Victorian public sector, which includes the 10 VPS departments and Victoria Police, as well as the agencies and entities that make up the broader public sector in Victoria.
Organisational structure
The Commission is comprised of six branches operating collaboratively to deliver on the Commission’s strategic plan. Time-limited teams are established when required to deliver focused projects, analysis and advice.
Office of the Deputy Commissioner
The Office of the Deputy Commissioner provides corporate and communications support and a strategic and coordinated approach to the Commission’s work program, as well as internal and external stakeholder relations. The team provides advice and support to the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner and work closely with the Commission’s program areas.
Corporate and Digital Services
The Corporate and Digital Services branch brings together the Commission’s people, risk management, financial and business operations and its digital services by managing our digital platforms, user experience design function, information security, privacy, and storage of data gathered by the Commission on behalf of the public sector.
Workforce Policy and Improvement
The Policy and Improvement branch leads on whole of government workforce policy and operating models, drives workplace and workforce planning and reform, and coordinates pilot initiatives that test new ways of working to build a strong, future-focused Victorian public sector.
This includes:
- Leading on new ways of working (flexible and hybrid work), drawing on data and early insights
- Building capacity and capability for increased mobility across the Victorian public sector
- Driving health, safety and wellbeing initiatives and insights to support increased psychological safety and stronger focus on mental health in our workplaces
- Embedding whole of government approaches across the employee lifecycle through policy development, frameworks and implementation support.
- Supporting sector-wide engagement, connection and innovation through the Innovation Network platform and events.
Leadership, Capability and Pathways
The Leadership, Capability and Pathways branch supports the public sector to develop and maintain a diverse and representative workforce that meets the needs of the Victorian community. We lead capability building initiatives, equity and inclusion strategies, career pathways and employment programs designed to drive important change at scale and deliver for Victorians.
This includes:
- Strengthening equity and inclusion in our workplaces through whole of government workplace diversity strategies and action plans
- Building leadership capability through executive induction, leadership programs and peer support
- Building future capacity and capability in government through the Victorian Government graduate program and other career pathway programs
- Supporting workforce development through developing and delivering common, core VPS training
- Fostering and growing careers for First Nations employees and actively supporting growth targets for Aboriginal representation through Barring Djinang, the Victorian public sector’s Aboriginal Employment and career development strategy
- Lifting representation of Victorians with disability in the Victorian public sector workforce by providing more opportunities to enter and progress, through the Victorian public sector’s disability employment action plan, Getting to Work.
Data collection, Insights and Improvement
The Data collection, Insights and Improvement branch collects, analyses and reports on whole-of-government data to inform strategies and policies to strengthen the efficiency, effectiveness and capability of the public sector, and support public sector performance.
This includes:
- Delivery of the People matter survey, the employee opinion survey, across the public sector and reporting on the shape, perceptions and experiences of the workforce through the State of the Public Sector report
- Developing and undertaking workforce data collection and analysis across the public sector and produce reports and insights on sector workforce and trends
- Providing sector-wide monitoring, reporting, analysis and analytics services.
Integrity and Oversight
The Integrity and Oversight branch provides leadership in setting the standards and expectations about integrity, ethics and values for the Victorian public sector.
It supports good public sector governance and helps to maintain public sector integrity by:
- Advocating for an apolitical and professional public sector
- Providing advice and sharing best practice in public sector administration, governance, and integrity
- Issuing and applying codes of conduct and employment standards, including guidance materials supporting these
- Monitoring and reporting to public sector body heads on compliance with the public sector values, codes of conduct and public sector employment principles and standards
- Reviewing employment related actions and making recommendations and maintaining a register of lobbyists
- Providing advice on executive (senior executive service) employment matters.
Strategic Policy
This branch brings together the Commission’s strategic functions including:
- focussing on longer-term public sector workforce planning and capability development
- advocating for VPS and public sector reform, to strengthen public sector performance
- leading the strategic approach to improve the diversity and inclusion of the VPS and wider sector
- publishing the annual State of the Public Sector report, to raise the profile of the public sector’s work, strengthen pride in the public sector workforce and provide visibility and transparency of public sector performance
- leading the VPSC’s strategic plan and annual plan processes.