The Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) makes as much information publicly available as possible, reducing the need for members of the public to request access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act).

Information is on this website, and available in printed material to view or purchase.

FOI Part II statements are a statutory requirement under the FOI Act.

The statements:

  • provide a snapshot of the types of information and documents that the department holds
  • outline how to access this information and locate publicly available information
  • inform the public how to make a request for access under the FOI Act

For more information contact us.

If you want to learn more about Freedom of Information in Victoria visit the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner’s (OVIC’s) website.

Information statements

  1. Organisations and functions
  2. Categories of documents
  3. Freedom of information arrangements
  4. Publications
  5. Rules, policies and procedures
  6. Other governance and reporting

Organisation and functions

The Victorian Public Sector Commission was established in 2014. Our objectives are set out in the Public Administration Act 2004, each with supporting functions.

Our first objective is to strengthen the efficiency, effectiveness and capability of the public sector to meet existing and emerging needs and deliver high-quality services.

We do this by:

  • assessing, advising and supporting on issues relevant to public sector administration, governance, service delivery and workforce management and development
  • researching and disseminating best practice in relation to public sector administration, governance, service delivery and workforce management and development
  • collecting and reporting on whole of government data
  • conducting inquiries as directed by the Premier.

Our second objective is to maintain and advocate for public sector professionalism and integrity.

We do this by:

  • advocating for an apolitical and professional public sector
  • issuing and applying codes of conduct and standards
  • monitoring and reporting to public sector body Heads on compliance with the public sector values, codes of conduct, and public sector employment principles and standards
  • reviewing employment related actions and making recommendations following those reviews
  • maintaining a register of lobbyists and a register of instruments.

The VPSC is a portfolio agency of the Department of Premier and Cabinet and is overseen by the Minister for Government Services

Read about the Commission.


Categories of documents

The VPSC creates documents in the course of its work. The types of documents VPSC handles include:

  • policies, procedures and standards
  • briefings and reports
  • registers
  • correspondence
  • meeting records
  • financial records
  • human resource management
  • audio-visual material

Published documents are available on this website under:

  • ethics, behaviour and culture
  • governance
  • workforce capability, leadership and management
  • executive employment
  • workforce programs
  • data and research

Unpublished documents are also held and organised according to the Business Classification Scheme. To learn more about what additional information is available on request, read the other disclosures in our Annual Report.

If you are searching for a specific topic, contact us.

Freedom of information arrangements

Under the FOI Act, all members of the public have the right to request documents held and produced by Victorian Government departments and agencies, subject to certain exceptions and exemptions. For more information about what agencies you can request documents from under the FOI Act, visit the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) website.

There are a number of things to consider before you make a request, including tips on how to make your request clear and what happens after a request has been made.

To make a valid request for access to documents held by the VPSC, the request must:

  • be in writing
  • describe the documents to which you are seeking access as clearly and specifically as possible (please note the categories of documents above; it may be useful to refer to the type of document being sought, to ensure accuracy and completeness of information)
  • be accompanied an application fee of $30.10 or evidence that paying the application fee would cause you hardship (for example, a scanned copy of a Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card).

Section 25A of the FOI Act allows an agency to refuse access to documents on the grounds that fulfilling the request would be ‘too voluminous.’ This arises where the work involved in processing the request would substantially and unreasonably divert the resources of the agency from its other operations. To avoid an agency invoking section 25A, it can be useful to include a date range, to specify the categories of documents (as discussed above) and to be as specific as possible.

If you are requesting documents about your personal affairs information, photo identification should be provided.

A request for access to information can be made online, by email or by post.

To make a request online, complete and submit the online form, selecting the Department of Premier and Cabinet as the agency.

Alternatively, you can make a request via email or post:

Freedom of Information Officer
Victorian Public Sector Commission
2 Lonsdalte Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Once VPSC FOI has received the request, it will be assessed for validity under section 17 of the FOI Act and any other relevant sections. In reaching a decision, VPSC is obliged to consider the relevant exemptions that may apply under the legislation. These are primarily located in Part IV of the Act in sections 28 to 38.

Access charges may apply to the search, photocopying, retrieval and creation of documents. VPSC FOI will inform you of any access charges that may apply to your request and consult with you in this regard.

Where the document requested is subject to an exemption, either in full or in part, an accompanying decision letter will be provided to explain the reason for exemption.

OVIC is an independent regulator with combined oversight of information access, information privacy, and data protection. If you wish to seek more information about Freedom of Information in Victoria, or wish to make a complaint, or seek a review of an FOI decision visit OVIC’s website.


VPSC’s publications can be accessed through the following links:

Key policy spaces that VPSC focuses on include:

Learn more about the VPSC.

Rules, policies and procedures

There are rules, policies and procedures in place to govern the daily operations of the VPSC, for example:

  • manuals of procedure
  • interpretations of governing statutes
  • statements of policies and documents concerning methods of enforcing acts or schemes.

If you are searching for a specific topic, you can search this website or contact us.

For information on privacy, see our privacy policy and data collection statements.

For information about how to make a complaint about the VPSC, see our public interest disclosure guide.

Other governance and reporting