The structure is used by the ABS to produce labour market statistics by occupation.
Recording staff against an ANZSCO classification identifies the occupation mix of the workforce and allows for comparison against the Victorian labour force.
These ANZSCO Coding guides provide a refined listing of ANZSCO classifications and codes for:
- roles related to the relevant industry
- roles common to public sector agencies
- management level roles
- information technology occupations
- Users should refer to the guide relevant to their industry
Arts and Facilities- ANZSCO advice
ANZSCO advice – Cemeteries- ANZSCO advice
Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs)- ANZSCO advice
Finance and Insurance- ANZSCO advice
Other health organisations- ANZSCO advice
Planning and Land Management- ANZSCO advice
Police and Emergency Services- ANZSCO advice
Regulators and other- ANZSCO advice
Sport and Recreation- ANZSCO advice
Victorian Public Service- ANZSCO advice