In addition to this guide, we recommend you’re also familiar with the refreshed guidance for employees ahead of this year’s federal election and the advice on caretaker conventions.
Election activities include things like:
- campaigning
- standing for election
- any other related activity, such as making work or personal comments on government activities linked to your employee’s employment.
This guide applies to local, state and federal elections.
Making employees aware of their obligations
For all local, state or federal elections, ensure your employees are aware of their obligations in the code of conduct.
The code requires employees:
- be apolitical
- deal with conflicts of interest
- limit their use of official information and resources
- be aware of restrictions when making public comment.
If your employee decides to be involved in election activities, you need to work with them to:
- ensure they remain apolitical
- avoid any actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest with their public sector employment.
Asking employees to read the employee guide
Ask your employees to read the guide for employees involved in election activities and discuss what’s in the guide to ensure they understand their responsibilities.
The guide provides information on:
- items in the code of conduct that relate to election periods
- examples of election activities and tips on how to avoid conflict of interests
- information on standing for elections.
Setting up arrangements
Federal elections
Advise your employees of obligations under section 44 of the Australian Constitution which prevents anyone ‘holding an office of profit under the Crown’, including Victorian public sector employees.
Find out more in the guide for employees involved in election activities.
Local and state elections
If your employee wants to seek election to a local council or the state parliament, you must:
- tell a senior person in your organisation, such as your manager or a human resources executive
- help facilitate and agree to arrangements that balance your employee’s obligations with their right to run for office.
Examples of arrangements include:
- annual or long service leave on half or full pay
- unpaid leave
- change of duties
- temporary transfer or secondment to another role.
What you decide will depend on your employee’s circumstances.