9.1 Grievances or Disputes
Grievances or disputes that arise out of the executive contract may be resolved by following the procedure in the standard executive employment contract.
9.2 Review of Actions
An executive may apply to their employer for an initial review of an employment related action that personally affects them such as a selection process or performance management.
All public service bodies must have a review process in place that complies with the Public Administration (Review of Actions) Regulations 2015 and the Reasonable Avenue of Redress Standard.
9.2.1. Applying to the VPSC for review
An executive may apply to the VPSC for review of an employment related action in four circumstances:
- the employer did not conduct an initial review;
- the initial review process was unfair;
- the employer personally took the action or was the primary decision maker; or
- the employee was victimised for previously applying to VPSC for a review