Stage Performance conversations        Difficult conversations

Define the purpose, approach and ideal outcome.

Gather information, looking at facts and feedback from various sources including peers.

What do you want to achieve?

What assumptions might you have?

What is the ideal outcome?

Determine the future opportunities.

Identify the issue that needs to be addressed.

What do you want for yourself/ the individual/work relationship?

What are the facts and questions?

Consider the logistics.

What does a resolution look like?

Consider individual/your reactions?

Consider supports – HR, manager, support person.


Highlight examples of individual’s good performance.

Provide constructive feedback on further improvement areas.

Explore and identify the challenges (personal/work).

Agree on individual’s performance goals and confirm your performance expectations.

Describe how you will measure their success.

Discuss additional resources that the individual may need (e.g. training, job shadowing, etc.).

Share own personal relatable experiences if of interest to individual (personal and/or professional).

Set the date for the next meeting.

Start discussion with shared goal.

Share your facts.

Relate feedback to a business issue. Provide corrective feedback.

Communicate ideas in a calm and logical manner.

Demonstrate strong positive nonverbal communication cues.

Listen and give individual opportunities to respond.

Confirm the need for a follow-up discussion.

Set a date to review progress.

Document agreements, disagreements and action items.

Document changes as applicable e.g. through a performance plan.


What did you learn?

What surprised you in the conversation?

What were the benefits of having this conversation?

What aspects were challenging?

What would you do differently next time, if anything?

How will you maximise the possibilities of this conversation?

What did you learn? What surprised you in the conversation?

Do you feel proud of how you managed the conversation? Or do you feel let down?

What were the benefits of having this conversation?

What aspects were challenging? How did you improve?

What would you do differently next time, if anything?