Update to conflict of interest resource suite 2024
Circular 2024-31. This circular applies to All public sector employees, including:
employee, managers, public sector body heads, contractors, consultants and labour hire employees whose contract requires them to comply with a public sector conflict of interest policy, any other workplace participants that the organisation lists as being covered by its conflict of interest policy.Gifts, benefits and hospitality
Circular 2024-30. This circular applies to all All public sector heads and CEOs, Accountable officers under the Financial Management Act 1994, and Public sector employees.
Code of Conduct for Directors of Victorian Public Entities 2024
Circular 2024-29. This circular applies to all directors (board members) of public entities and all statutory office holders as defined in section 4 of the Act, except those excluded in the 'Scope' section.
Referendum on altering the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice
Circular 2023-28. This circular applies to all Victorian public sector employees.
Prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace guidance
Circular 2022-26. This circular applies to all Victorian public sector employees.
Guide for employees during election periods
Circular 2022-25. This applies to all Victorian Public Service employees.
Informing and advising Ministers
Circular 2021-24. This applies to all Victorian Public Service employees.
Pre-employment misconduct screening for public entity executive recruitment policy and guide
Circular 2021-23. This Circular applies to all prescribed Victorian public entities, except those excluded in the ‘Scope’ section.
Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Guidance
Circular 2020-22. This Circular applies to all Victorian public sector bodies.
Gifts, benefits and hospitality reminder
Circular 2020-21. This Circular applies to all Victorian Public Service employees and executives.
Integrity guide for new board directors
Circular 2020-20. This circular applies to all Victorian public entities.
Updated guidance for pre-employment screening
Circular 2020-19. This circular applies to all Victorian public service bodies.
Guidance for public sector employees standing in local government elections
Circular 2020-18. This circular applies to all Victorian public sector bodies.
Maintaining integrity when working remotely
Circular 2020-17. This circular applies to all Victorian public sector bodies.
How to hire when working remotely guidance
Circular 2020-16. This Circular applies to all public entities.
Victorian public sector entity executive bonus removal
Circular 2020-15. This Circular applies to all public entities.
Guidance for Victorian public sector employees – organisation of public ministerial events
Circular 2020-14. This Circular applies to all Victorian public sector bodies.
Update to pre-employment screening in the Victorian Public Service policy
Circular 2019-13. This Circular applies to all Victorian Public Service employees and executives.
Pre-employment screening in the Victorian Public Service
Circular 2019-12. This Circular applies to all Victorian Public Service employees and was superseded by Circular 2019-13.
Engaging with Lobbyists Guidance for Victorian public sector employees
Circular 2019-11. This Circular applies to all Victorian public sector employees.
Guide for Offering Inclusive Employee Assistance Programs
Circular 2019-10. This Circular applies to all Victorian Public Service employers.
Respectful workplaces framework and prevention of sexual harassment — model action plan
Circular 2019-09. This Circular applies to all Victorian public sector bodies.
Public Entity Executive Employment Handbook
Circular 2019-08. This Circular applies to the Victorian Public Sector about the new Public Entity Executive Handbook.
NAIDOC week leave provisions
Circular 2019-07. This Circular applies to the Victorian Public Service. Victorian Public Service bodies are encouraged to review their leave policy and procedures to ensure consistency with the provisions of the Victorian Public Service Enterprise Agreement 2016.
Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Circular 2018-06. This Circular details the requirements and scope of the Model Policy and was superseded by Circular 2019-09.
VPS executive pre-employment screening policy
Circular 2018-05. This circular details the requirements and scope of the Policy.
Executive vehicle cost to package calculator (revised)
Circular 2018-04. VPSC reissued the Executive Vehicle Cost to Package Calculator in October 2018. This Circular explains the updates to the Calculator and mandates its use by all Victorian Public Service employers.
Model Sexual Harassment Policy and Practice Guide
Circular 2018-03. The Victorian Public Sector Commission has published a Sexual Harassment Model Policy and was superseded by Circular 2018-06.
Consensual personal relationships in the workplace (Conflict of Interest)
Circular 2018-02. This circular explains the August 2018 updates to the model conflict of interest policy to include processes for the management of consensual personal relationships in the workplace.
Gifts, benefits and hospitality
Circular 2018-01. The Circular explains the updates to the policy guide including changes to accepting, recording and reporting offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality. The changes come into effect on 1 July 2018.