Conflict of interest guidance for all employees
Key things to know and do
General conflict of interest guidance for managers and employees.
Step-by-step: How to identify and manage a conflict of interest
A step-by-step guide for managers and employees on how to identify and manage a conflict of interest.
Key definitions
Definition of conflicts of interest and private interests.
Examples of private interests
Examples to help you identify and declare any private interests you may have.
Examples of conflicts of interest
Examples to help you identify and declare any conflicts of interest you may have.
Key risk mitigation strategies
Strategies for managing a conflict of interest.
Typical high risk areas for conflict of interest
Typical areas where conflicts of interest are more likely to arise.
Developing a conflict of interest management plan for an employee
A guide for managers on how to develop a conflict of interest management plan for an employee.
Additional guidance that applies to some employees
Annual declaration of private interests (DOPI)
Guidance for those employees who are required to complete an annual declaration of private interests (DOPI) form.
Duties, loyalties and biases
Conflict of interest guidance for public sector employees who may have a duty, loyalty or bias to another organisation, group, person or cause.
Consensual personal relationships
Conflict of interest guidance for employees in the same organisation who are in a consenual personal relationship.
Declarable associations and conflict of interest
Conflict of interest guidance for public sector employees who have a declarable association.
Former registered lobbyists or government affairs directors
Guidance for former lobbyists or government affairs directors who may be required to have a conflict of interest management plan.
Nominating for the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria election as public servants
Guidance for Victorian Public Service (VPS) employees who want to nominate for the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria.
Strategies, model documents and checklist for organisations
Strategies for organisations
Strategies to help organisations reduce and manage conflicts of interest.
Checklist for organisations
A conflict of interest management checklist for organisations.
Model conflict of interest policy
A model conflict of interest policy for Victorian public sector organisations.
Model conflict of interest declaration and management plan form
Model conflict of interest declaration and management plan for Victorian public sector organisations.
Model declaration of private interests form (DOPI)
A model declaration of private interests form (DOPI) for Victorian public sector organisations.
Victorian Public Service (VPS) procurement
Scenarios to explain how to manage procurement-related conflicts of interest in the VPS.