There are a range of pathways to working in the Victorian public sector for people with disability. This includes traineeships, the Victorian Government graduate program, and any advertised role.
Adjustments and support will be provided throughout the whole process from the application stage to starting in the workplace, and there is ongoing support throughout your career.
The public sector is a diverse and inclusive workforce that is reflective of the Victorian community. We are committed to being an employer of choice for people with disability.
Key outcomes for job seekers
- Staff across the sector demonstrate increased disability confidence and awareness by using tools and resources
- Information for job seekers, including position descriptions, is available in accessible formats
- The Victorian community can access reports and view progress regarding commitments made under the plan
Careers.Vic is the official Victorian Government search portal for public sector jobs and career opportunities.
You can search for jobs in Public Service departments and agencies, hospitals and health services, schools, and many public entity employers such as Victoria Police and Ambulance Victoria.
We also publish information about employment programs, traineeships such as the the Youth Employment Scheme, key opportunities and feature jobs.
Victorian Government Graduate Program disability pathway
The Victorian Government graduate program is a 12-month career development program. Learn and grow with mentors and peer networks and be guaranteed a job at the end.
Applicants with disability can apply through our disability pathway. If you opt into this pathway, we’ll work with you to give you flexible and tailored support in the application process.
Once you’re in our program, we’ll offer ongoing support such as workplace adjustments and a support network to connect with other peers with disability. You don’t need to share any information about your disability to apply through this pathway or throughout the program.
If you’re unsure whether to opt in, get in touch with us for a confidential chat at or on 03 9922 8600.
Disability Action Plans
The State plans that underpin our efforts to increase meaningful employment outcomes for people with disability are:
- Absolutely everyone – State disability plan 2017–2020
- Every opportunity – Victorian economic participation plan for people with disability 2018-2020
- Getting to work – Disability employment action plan
Employment Assistance Fund (EAF)
This federal government assistance program provides financial assistance to purchase work related modifications for people with disability. These can include workplace adjustments, adaptive equipment, Auslan interpreting, and training.
To apply, visit the Job Access website.
For confidential expert advice on matters relating to the employment of people with disability, contact the JobAccess Advisers free of charge.
Free call: 1800 464 800
Fax: 08 9382 9277
Post: PO Box 558, Belmont, VIC 3216