About Barring Djinang

Barring Djinang is the First Peoples Workforce Development Strategy for the Victorian public sector. The strategy has initiatives to enhance attraction, recruitment and retention. This includes targeted employment programs and career development and support for First Nations staff.

Through these initiatives we aim to strengthen First Nations leadership capacity and grow the numbers of First Nations staff in senior positions in the public sector. We will develop future leaders in Victorian public service departments and Victoria Police, public sector entities, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and Traditional Owner groups.

If you’d like more information about any of the Barring Djinang programs and initiatives, please contact the Victorian Public Sector Commission’s First Peoples Workforce Development Unit at FirstPeoplesWorkforce@vpsc.vic.gov.au.

A note on language

Barring Djinang is from the Taungurung language and means ‘path of the feet’. It was chosen as a reminder of the many different career paths that First Nations staff can take in the Victorian public sector.