Workforce data 2024
We’ve published the first release of our Workforce data for 2024.
The first release includes:
- Number of employees
- Number of executives
- Number of employees by public sector organisation.
In early 2025, we’ll publish the remaining Workforce data for 2024.
Employee and executive numbers 2024
Number of employees
Number of employers and employees across the Victorian public sector.
Number of executives
Number of executives across the Victorian public sector.
Number of employees by public sector organisation
Number of employees in each Victorian public sector department, organisation and industry.
Workforce data 2023
Commissioner reflections, KPIs and case studies for 2023
Commissioner reflections: state of the public sector 2023
Read Victorian Public Sector Commissioner Brigid Monagle's view of the public sector.
Key Performance Indicators for the public sector 2023
How we measure the performance of the Victorian public sector workforce.
Community case studies 2023
Stories from across the public sector supporting the community.
Workforce case studies 2023
Stories about the public sector workforce.
Employee and executive pay, leave and work arrangements 2023
Employee occupations and pay grades
Number of employees by occupation and pay grade.
Employee pay and gender pay
Employee pay, conditions, pay by gender and the gender pay gap.
Employee personal leave
Personal leave days taken by employees.
Employment arrangements
Employees who have ongoing, fixed-term or casual employment contracts and employees who work full-time and part-time.
Employee work locations
Employees who work in rural and regional Victoria and Greater Metropolitan Melbourne.
Employee turnover and mobility
New starter, separation and mobility rates of employees.
Employee experiences in the workplace 2023
Integrity, innovation and quality
Employees who feel their organisation has integrity, is innovative and delivers high-quality services.
Workgroup behaviour
How employees feel about their capacity to speak up, collaboration, inclusion and barriers to success at work.
Job satisfaction and career intentions
How employees feel about their work, workload, learning and development and career intentions.
Flexible work
How employees feel about flexible work.
Managers and leaders
Employees who feel supported by their managers and senior leaders.
Public sector values
Employees who feel their organisation demonstrates the 7 core public sector values.
Wellbeing and engagement
How employees feel about their work-related stress, safety, wellbeing and engagement.
Negative behaviours
Employees who experienced negative workplace behaviours.
Employee diversity and inclusion 2023
Age, gender and sexuality
The age, gender and sexual orientation of employees and executives.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
Employees who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
Cultural background and home life
The cultural background, languages and caring responsibilities of employees.
Disability and workplace adjustments
Employees with disability and workplace adjustments.
More information about our data
People matter survey response rates 2023
Number of survey respondents across the Victorian public sector and in each industry.
People matter survey 2023 results by organisation
People matter survey 2023 results for each Victorian public sector organisation that took part in the survey.
Workforce data sets 2023
Download the workforce data and People matter survey 2023 data sets.
How we prepared our 2023 data
Information on how to read our data and charts.
How we prepared our 2024 data
Information on how to read our data and charts.