Key facts

Positive views from public sector employees show:

  • 78% feel that people work together and support each other in their workgroup
  • 73% feel their workgroup supports collaboration in the workplace
  • 71% feel it’s safe to  speak up about inappropriate behaviour or problems and tough issues in their organisation
  • 79% feel their organisation’s culture supports diversity in the workplace.

Barriers to success reported by most public sector employees:

  • 7.4% said mental health
  • 7.3% said caring responsibilities
  • 7.2% said age.

Workgroup support



Collaboration can lead to higher team satisfaction, performance and effectiveness.


Safe to speak up

Organisations with psychologically safe cultures empower employees to:

  • report integrity issues
  • report and respond to negative behaviour
  • remedy mistakes
  • improve performance.

Employees feel safe to speak up if they also feel:

  • safe in their workgroup
  • confident to raise mistakes, concerns and poor behaviour without fear of retribution.



If employees feel valued and included, it can lead to a positive work environment and higher engagement and productivity.


Barriers to success

Workplace barriers prevent employees from working efficiently and effectively.

The results may add up to more than 100% because respondents could choose more than one answer.


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