Orders are listed under the following sections of the act. Note that the most recent orders appear first in each section; therefore some orders (such as those dealing with departmental name changes) may have been superseded by a more recent order.
The register is updated when new orders are gazetted. Refer to the Victorian Government Gazette for any formal confirmation.
Sections of the act with orders
Sections of the Act without orders
To date, no instruments have been made relating to the following sections of the Act:
- Section 6 – Special bodies
- Section 25A – Orders relating to Remuneration of executives
- Section 81 – Orders relating to duties of entities – exceptions for Advisory Entities
- Section 96 – Orders relating to documents required to be kept by Small Entities – exemptions
Recommended reading
Annual reports
The Victorian Public Sector Commission is required by section 70 of the Public Administration Act 2004 to produce an annual report.
The State of the Public Sector in Victoria
Each year the Victorian Public Sector Commission produces The State of the Public Sector in Victoria Report.