Key facts
Workforce figures
- 382,823 people employed or 314,629 FTE in the overall Victorian public sector at June 2024
- 9.8% of the Victorian labour force
- 262 public sector employers
- 4.1% (12,450 FTE) rise in total employment between June 2023 and June 2024.
Breakdown of the overall Victorian public sector workforce:
- 57,345 people (54,839 FTE) were employed in the Victorian Public Service (VPS) of which 40,972 (39,085 FTE) are employed by a VPS department.
- 325,478 people (259,791 FTE) were employed in public entities.
Examples of public entities include public health services, government schools, TAFEs, police and emergency services, water and land management bodies and other statutory authorities and state-owned corporations.
Changes in employment
Changes in employment are primarily due to increases in public health care, government schools, transport and water corporations.
Changes in ongoing and fixed-term employment from June 2023 to June 2024:
- Ongoing employment rose by 9.0% (from 236,686 FTE to 258,057 FTE)
- Fixed-term employment fell by 14.9% (from 55,097 FTE to 46,870 FTE).
Changes in ongoing and fixed-term employment may partially be from the Victorian Government’s 2023/24 Budget reprioritisation process.
Rises in employment
Overall employment rises:
- 0.1% (78 FTE) rise in the Victorian Public Service (VPS)
- 5.0% (12,372 FTE) rise in public entities
- 4.1% (12,450 FTE) rise in the public sector workforce.
There was a small rise in FTE in the VPS but overall headcount fell by 41 employees.
Rises in employment by sector:
- 7% (7,563 FTE) rise in public healthcare
- 4.9% (3,710 FTE) rise in government schools
- 6.5% (205 FTE) rise in the transport sector
- 5.5% (381 FTE) rise in water corporations.
Number of employees
Number of employers and employees 2024
Victorian Public Service (15% of public sector employees)
This table shows the number of employees in the Victorian Public Service (VPS) at June 2024.
Responses for | Employers | Headcount | FTE |
Departments | 10 | 40,972 | 39,085 |
Administrative offices | 11 | 3,613 | 3,521 |
Other Victorian Public Service employers including Victoria Police | 32 | 12,760 | 12,233 |
Total | 53 | 57,345 | 54,839 |