Spend time with the business leaders shaping Australia’s future. Understand the strategies and decisions that drive success in Victorian communities.
Delivered in partnership with the Melbourne Business School, take your leadership capability to the next level by spending a day with prominent business leaders, experiencing different perspectives, gaining valuable insights and inspiring new ways of thinking to better anticipate and shape the future.
Supported by a lead coach, you will be introduced to leaders and teams that have ‘been there, done that’ and have the opportunity to hear about strategy and implementation, ask questions and share experiences. You will work with cross-agency peers to apply new insights and learning into the Victorian public sector context.
You will:
- Directly experience different markets and industries and gain insights on the impact and success of the leaders’ strategies, execution and decision-making on driving success in continuous improvement.
- Conduct meetings with senior executives in organisations known for their leadership in continuous improvement to gain insights that can be adapted.
- Reflect on and capture personal and group learning as a result of the experience in the marketplace, and be able to articulate a point of view with insights that can be taken back to your workplace.
This development opportunity addresses the capability area: Deliver better outcomes for Victorians and adopt a continuous improvement approach.

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