Date: 26-27 March 2018
A small group of executives across the Victorian Public Service came together for the day and a half workshop facilitated by Rhonda Brighton-Hall. Rhonda is CEO and co-founder of Mwah (Making Work Absolutely Human). Attendees will now be invited to two peer coaching sessions to continue their discussion on ways they have coached and challenged their teams or divisions.
The group were able to share their organisation’s approach to talent management and learn from each other, enhancing their understanding of successful talent management that works. In small groups they were also able to work through several activities and discuss (and debate) with the other groups.
A highlight of the workshop was the dinner at the conclusion of the first day, with Former VicRoads CEO John Merritt sharing personal stories of success, and otherwise, and discussing with the group about how leaders can positively impact people at all levels.
The workshop will be followed by two peer coaching sessions. The first session will allow executives to work together, with the support of an executive coach, to discuss new approaches to fostering talent and building capability and how they might ‘test’ these approaches with their team/division. A second session will allow executives to come together to reflect on their experience and explore what’s working in their team/division.

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Former VicRoads CEO John Merritt speaking to the group at the workshop dinner on day 1.
This development opportunity addresses the capability area: Fostering talent and building capability.

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