This case study relates to the VPS value of respect.
The Department of Jobs, skills, Industries and Regions (DJSIR) is working hard to lift the numbers of people with disability employed in its workplaces.
Recognising the importance of developing a capable and diverse public sector that reflects the diversity of the community it serves, DJSIR has embedded disability inclusion across its recruitment and selection processes.
Becoming the first Victorian government department to gain official accreditation as a Disability Confident Recruiter, DJSIR is focused on achieving its Disability Inclusion Action Plan goal of being an employer of choice for people with a disability. This reinforces the public sector value of respect by ensuring all Victorians are treated fairly and are free from discrimination.
Working in partnership with its staff-led Enablers Network, DJSIR has embedded disability inclusion across its recruitment and selection processes.
By advertising prioritised positions for people with disability, DJSIR is creating inroads and making it clear that it wants to hire more people with disability and improve their career experiences.
In 2022-23 DJSIR advertised 87 prioritised positions for people with disability, with more than 130 positions advertised since the initiative began in January 2021.
Prioritised positions are advertised in a variety of fields, across all VPS grade levels and are open for everyone to apply. Candidates with a disability are given priority consideration.
Based on its 2023 People matter survey results, DJSIR’s disability employment rate is currently 9%. This is three-quarters of the way to the Victorian Public Service target of 12% by 2025.
Through a range of efforts including prioritised recruitment, improved recruitment processes, and inclusive employment programs and pathways, DJSIR’s disability employment rate has steadily increased over the past 2 years from 6% in 2021, to 8% in 2022 and 9% in 2023.