Step 1: confirm your survey period

In 2024, we’ll run the survey in 2 periods:

  • Group A organisations: a 3-week survey period from May to June
  • Group B organisations: a 3-week survey period in October

Confirm the group your organisation is in. Then check the timing for your group under each step.

These lists are up to date as of May 2024.

Step 2: receive instructions

Group A: late February 2024

Group B: early May 2024

The survey process begins.

We’ll send communications to the head of each organisation, head of Human Resources and survey coordinator.

Step 3: confirm your organisation’s survey coordinator

Group A: by 5 March 2024

Group B: by 10 May 2024

Confirm the details of your organisation’s survey coordinator.

If you need to make changes after you submit your form, email

Step 4: confirm hierarchies and custom questions

Group A: by 14 March 2024

Group B: by 5 August 2024

Use the template to:

  • provide your organisation’s hierarchy and custom questions
  • provide changes during hierarchy validation based on any highlighted updates.

If you need to make changes or get a copy of the hierarchy or custom questions you previously submitted to the Commission, email

Template for organisation structure (hierarchy) and custom questions

Organisations can add customised questions to their survey.

You can add 3 types of customisations to your organisation’s survey:

  • type 1 ‘organisation structure (hierarchy)
  • type 2 ‘custom demographic’
  • type 3 ‘custom opinion’.

Organisation structure (hierarchy) questions

Organisation structure (hierarchy) questions allow you to get reports for employee groups within your organisation such as divisions, branches and teams.

We provide reports for each group within your organisation hierarchy that receives at least 10 survey responses.

Enter the levels of your organisation hierarchy in the ‘Organisation hierarchy’ tab.

Custom demographic question

Organisations can include one custom question in their survey to receive reporting that splits organisational survey results in an alternative way to the hierarchy.

This custom question should ask about a unique aspect of working at your organisation which is not covered by the standard question set. For example, the site or campus an employee works at.

Enter your custom demographic question in the ‘Custom demographic questions’ tab.

Custom opinion questions

Your organisation can include up to 5 opinion questions in the survey to gather results on specific areas of interest that may not be covered by the core survey questions.

Enter custom opinion questions in the ‘Custom opinion questions’ tab.

Make sure your organisation approves this spreadsheet before you send it to

This form is due on 14 March 2024 for organisations participating in May survey.

The due date for organisations participating in October is on 5 August.

Use the document below, you need to fill out this template as a table.

People matter survey hierarchy and custom question template (XLSX, 5 sheets)

People matter survey hierarchy and custom question template - October dates (XLSX, 6 sheets)

Step 5: take part in user acceptance testing

Group A: late April to mid-May 2024

Group B: by 17 to 30 September 2024

Survey user acceptance testing begins.

This is a chance to check your survey link and how we’ve set up your organisation.

Step 6: plan your survey promotions

Group A: April to May 2024

Group B: September to October 2024

Plan and promote the survey.

Read our guide and get resources.

Survey period

Group A: 20 May to 7 June

Group B: by 7 to 25 October 2024

The People matter survey 2024 opens for 3 weeks.

Results released to organisations

Group A: early July 2024

Group B: late November 2024

We release results and benchmarking reports including:

  • dashboard reports online
  • PDF, Excel and Word reports in the online portal

Public release of results

Group A and B: early 2025

We’ll publish organisation-level 2024 survey results.