Key facts

Overall public sector workforce employees

  • 42.4 years is the average age
  • 74% have a bachelor’s degree or higher
  • 5.1% identify as a person with disability (estimate).

Victorian Public Service employees

  • 42.6 years is the average age
  • 7.8% identify as a person with disability (estimate)



Education, bachelor’s degree or higher, 2021

The percentage of employees with a bachelor’s degree or higher:

  • 74% of the overall public sector workforce
  • 35% of the Victorian population aged 15 to 74.

This data was calculated by combining the number of teachers in government schools in 2021 with data from the People matter survey 2021.



Estimated number of employees who identify as a person with disability

The Victorian Government has a plan to increase the number of people with disability in the public sector called Getting to work.

Getting to work is Victoria’s long-term employment plan for people with disability in the public sector.

The plan supports a target of 6% representation of people with disability in the Victorian Public Service by 2020 and 12% by 2025.

The percentage of employees who identify as a person with disability:

  • 7.8% of Victorian Public Service respondents to the People matter survey 2022
  • 5.1% of overall public sector employees (estimate)
  • 7.3% of employed Victorians aged 15 to 64.


Data sources:

Data set

This data set covers June 2018 to June 2022.

We source this data from our annual workforce and executive data collections that cover over 1,800 Victorian public sector employers.

Age profile

This file has the following age profile measures for Victorian public sector employees by gender and industry group:

  • average age
  • median age
  • headcount by age group.

Download age profile data set (XLSX, 95kb)