About the public sector values

The 7 core public sector values guide the ethics and behaviour of everyone who works in the public sector.

There’s a strong link between workplace culture and how staff perceive their organisation lives the public sector values.

Read more about the values in the code of conduct.

Key facts

The key facts are for the Victorian public sector.

Improvements in positive views

Positive views of:

  • human rights rose to 81% from 79% in 2021
  • integrity rose to 73% from 71% in 2021
  • respect rose to 80% from 79% in 2021.

Positive views that have stayed the same

Positive views of:

  • responsiveness was 81% in 2023 and 2021
  • impartiality was 75% in 2023 and 2021
  • leadership was 73% in 2023 and 2021.

Positive views that have changed

Positive views of accountability fell slightly to 75% from 76% in 2022.


A commitment to responsiveness can help build trust and lead to better outcomes.



We define integrity as:

  • being fair, honest and transparent
  • conducting ourselves properly
  • using public sector powers responsibly.

The Victorian community needs high trust in how everyone in the public sector works and what they do.



We define impartiality as making objective and fair decisions:

  • based on merit
  • without bias, favouritism or self-interest.



Employees and workgroups show accountability when they:

  • work to clear objectives
  • are accountable for what they do and the resources they have.



Employees, managers and workgroups show respect for their colleagues, other public officials and members of the community by:

  • treating them fairly and objectively
  • ensuring freedom from discrimination, harassment and bullying
  • using their views to improve outcomes on an ongoing basis.



Leading by example is important to developing a positive workplace culture and helps build trust with the Victorian community.


Human rights

Under the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities, organisations must consider human rights in how they work and act.


Data sets and how we prepare data