Key facts

The key facts are for the Victorian public sector.

Work-related wellbeing

Overall, work-related wellbeing rose to 47% from 44% in 2021.

Work-related stress

Employees who experienced high to severe stress:

  • fell to 23.9% from 26.3% in 2021
  • said workload and time pressure were the leading causes of their stress.

Feelings at work

How work made employees feel often, very often or always:

  • enthusiastic rose to 48.4% from 48.3% in 2021
  • happy rose to 54.2% from 49.8% in 2021
  • miserable fell to 18.4% from 18.6% in 2021
  • worried fell to 30.8% from 37.1% in 2021.

Safety climate

55.9% of employees agreed their organisation and leaders support their psychological and physical safety.

Employee engagement

Employee engagement fell to 67.6 index points from 69.6 in 2021.

Work-related stress

Work-related stress describes an employee’s stress response to work-related factors.

Most jobs involve some level of stress.

Moderate stress can improve performance and resilience. However, high levels of stress can:

  • make it harder to think clearly and make decisions
  • increase absenteeism and burnout
  • impact workforce productivity.



Emotional effects of work

Emotional effects of work are the positive and negative feelings employees experienced in the 3 months before the survey.

Positive feelings may lead to higher wellbeing and job satisfaction and a lower chance of burnout.

The results combine the answers of often, very often or always.





Psychological and physical safety climate

A safe workplace is a key outcome of Leading the way and the Victorian public sector mental health and wellbeing charter.


Employee engagement index

The employee engagement index is a weighted score out of 100.

A high employee engagement rating indicates employees are enthusiastic, motivated by and committed to their work.


Data sets and how we prepare data