Caution with this data

Don’t use this data to represent the whole public sector.

Some organisations weren’t able to take part in the 2020 survey as they were responding to the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

These were:

  • 16 metropolitan and large regional health services
  • 10 other hospitals
  • Department of Justice and Community Safety
  • Victoria Police

As a result, we’ve made minimal comparisons to 2019 data.

With some results, some numbers may add up to more than 100% as respondents could select more than one answer.

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Changes to the survey in 2020

Responding to the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we changed the People Matter Survey to a shorter wellbeing-focused version for 2020.

Run from 12 to 30 October 2020, 191 organisations took part including:

  • 176 public sector organisations
  • 15 community health services

We had a response rate of 50% of employees, up from 46% in 2019.

Changes in response rates from 2016 to 2020

Between 2016 to 2019 compared to 2020, the average change with people who did the survey are:

  • a fall from 52% to 34% of health employees
  • a rise from 26% to 39% of Victorian Public Service employees

Due to the varied representation of some industry groups in the 2020 survey, there may be bias in the results.

The under-represented industry groups in the 2020 survey are:

  • Police and emergency services
  • Public health care

The over-represented industry groups in the 2020 survey are:

  • TAFE and other education
  • Victorian Public Service
  • Water and land management

The 2020 survey results may not be a reliable indicator of employee opinions or experiences compared to surveys in other years.

About the People matter survey

The People matter survey is the Victorian public sector’s annual employee opinion survey

We run the survey to support public sector organisations to build positive workplace cultures with integrity that live the public sector values.

The survey results tell organisations how employees see their workplaces, including views on:

  • employee engagement and job satisfaction
  • career opportunities, learning and development
  • employee wellbeing
  • diversity and inclusion climate
  • equal employment opportunity
  • job demands, resources and support

Organisations use the results to work out how to improve the workplace for their employees.

What’s new in 2021

In 2021, you’ll see:

  • annual participation of all public sector organisations
  • public release of all organisations’ results
  • refinement to the survey, survey framework and reporting based on academic analysis and user feedback
  • up to date survey platform with an improved user experience, dashboard reporting and action planning tools.
  • new questions developed in consultation with the Commissioner for Gender Equality in the Public Sector to support organisations to report on progress against the Gender Equality Act 2020

People matter survey 2022 consultations

See the progress of our People matter survey consultations.

Resources for survey coordinators

For survey coordinator resources, go to People matter survey resources.