How to read this page
Unless stated otherwise, this workforce data shows you numbers for the year July 2019 to June 2020.
For most visuals, we give you a break down in 3 ways:
- Victorian Public Service (VPS): the 8 departments and 43 authorities and offices defined to be public service employers under the Public Administration Act 2004
- Public entities: all other public sector bodies outside the VPS that have a public function
- Overall public sector workforce: public entities and VPS combined
At the end of this page, find Excel datasets for June 2015 to June 2020.
Read more about how we define the public sector or see the full list of public sector agencies.
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Key facts
- 49% of non-casual employees across the overall public sector workforce took 5 days or less of personal leave
- 8% of non-casual employees across the overall public sector workforce took more than 20 days of personal leave, which made up 34% of all leave taken
- 9.5 days per full-time equivalent employee is the average time taken as personal leave across the overall public sector workforce
Personal leave
We define personal leave as paid sick or carer’s leave.
The average time taken by employees for personal leave, such as sick and carer’s leave, is a standard workforce measure.
We use it in the public sector to report on time lost to unscheduled absences.
Average personal leave days taken, by industry, July 2019 to June 2020
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These are the days per ongoing and fixed-term full-time equivalent employees.
Distribution of non-casual employees by personal leave days taken per year, July 2019 to June 2020
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Distribution of total number of personal leave days taken by non-casual employees, July 2019 to June 2020
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In the 2019 to 2020 financial year, the 8% of employees who took more than 20 days of personal leave account for 34% of all leave taken, which is consistent with past years.
Data set
For the most up to date data on employee leave, see our most recent release: 2021 employee personal leave