How to read this page
Unless stated otherwise, this workforce data shows you numbers for the year July 2019 to June 2020.
For most visuals, we give you a break down in 3 ways:
- Victorian Public Service (VPS): the 8 departments and 43 authorities and offices defined to be public service employers under the Public Administration Act 2004
- Public entities: all other public sector bodies outside the VPS that have a public function
- Overall public sector workforce: public entities and VPS combined
Figures on this page include:
- employees who move from one public sector agency to another
- ongoing and fixed-term staff, but not casuals
- new start rates: non-casual employees who started with their organisation as a percentage of all non-casual employees employed in July 2019 to June 2020
- separation rates: non-casual employees who left their organisation as a percentage of all non-casual employees employed in July 2019 to June 2020
- mobility rates: employees who moved from one Victorian Public Service agency to another Victorian Public Service agency
At the end of this page, find Excel datasets for June 2015 to June 2020.
Read more about how we define the public sector or see the full list of public sector agencies.
How we calculate new start and separation rates
We calculate new start rates and separation rates based on all ongoing and fixed-term employees hired in the year July 2019 to June 2020.
This includes all non-casual employees who started at or left their organisation, but excludes employees who started or left due to machinery of government transfers.
See facts and visuals on:
- Key facts
- Non-casual employee new start and separation rates
- Mobility rates in the Victorian Public Service, non-casual employees
Get the data set on:
Key facts
All public sector
- 37,690 non-casual employees started with a Victorian public sector agency
- 33,642 non-casual employees separated from a Victorian public sector agency
Victorian Public Service only
- 7,956 non-casual employees started with a Victorian Public Service agency
- 7,441 non-casual employees separated from a Victorian Public Service agency
Non-casual employee new start and separation rates
Public sector breakdown
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Industry breakdown for public entities
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New start rate by age breakdown
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Separation rate by age breakdown
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Mobility rates in the Victorian Public Service, non-casual employees
The Victorian Public Service is a single employer with common terms and conditions for employees, made up of:
- 8 departments
- 43 offices and authorities
As a large and diverse employer, Victorian Public Service employees can build satisfying careers across a service-wide structure.
In July 2019, the government set up the Jobs and Skills Exchange to support mobility in the Victorian Public Service.
Since its introduction along with a new recruitment policy, the mobility rate between Victorian Public Service agencies has doubled.
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Data set
For the most up to date data on employee turnover and mobility, see our most recent release: 2021 employee turnover and mobility