Employee numbers
Facts, figures and visuals on the total workforce of the Victorian public sector.
Number of employees by public sector organisation
A breakdown of the total employee workforce by all public sector departments, organisations and agencies.
Employee turnover
Facts, figures and visuals on new starters and separating employees in the public sector workforce.
Mobility in the public service
Facts, figures and visuals on employees moving across organisations in the Victorian Public Service (VPS).
Employee pay and gender pay
Facts, figures and visuals on public sector employee pay and conditions.
Employment arrangements
Facts, visuals and data on employment arrangements including ongoing, fixed-term or casual contracts.
Occupations and pay grades
Facts, visuals and data on employee occupations as well as pay grades.
Work locations
Facts, figures and visuals on public sector employee work locations
Personal leave
Facts, visuals and data on employee personal leave
Demographics and diversity
Facts, visuals and data on employee gender, education, age and cultural identity.
Executive numbers, demographics and remuneration
Facts, figures and visuals on executive numbers
Board numbers and demographics
Facts, figures and visuals on public sector boards