Data sources

Unless stated otherwise, the data shows you numbers as at June 2023 and is sourced from:

For some charts, we’ve included data from previous years. Some charts only show data from 2023.

This is because the questions are new or can’t be compared to earlier releases.

We don’t show the data from 2020 as some organisations couldn’t take part in the 2020 survey as they were responding to the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Therefore, the 2020 data isn’t a true representation of the public sector.

You can use the dropdown menu at the bottom of each chart to filter the data sets.

People matter survey data

Data sourced from the People matter survey only represents the Victorian public sector employees who voluntarily responded to the survey.

The order of the data doesn’t reflect a preference for any organisation, industry or demographic group.

Read more about the response rate to the People matter survey 2023.

How we breakdown the data

For some visuals, we give you a breakdown of the data by:

  • Victorian Public Service (VPS): the 10 departments, Victoria Police (VPS employees) and 46 authorities and offices defined to be Victorian Public Service employers under the Public Administration Act 2004
  • Public sector industry groups: all other public sector bodies outside the VPS that have a public function, grouped together by industry
  • Overall public sector workforce: VPS and public sector industries combined.

The industry groups are:

  • creative industries, finance, transport and other
  • government schools
  • police and emergency services
  • public health care
  • TAFE and other education
  • water and land management.

Read more about how we define the public sector or see the full list of public sector agencies.


Due to rounding, the breakdown of some numbers in our data won’t add up to 100.

Demographic-based questions

The Commission uses strict rules to protect the privacy and anonymity of respondents at every stage of the survey.

We don’t release employee opinion results for demographic groups where industries have less than 30 total responses.

We included a ‘prefer not to say’ option for some demographic questions.

Respondents may choose ‘prefer not to say’ for a range of reasons.

Read our privacy policy.