As a people manager, you must have some form of rapport to engage with the people in your team.

It’s part of building good relationships, open communication and collaboration.

You’ll make work more enjoyable for you and your team, as most people like to get on with the people they work with.

Here are 4 things you can do right now to build rapport with your team.

1. Say hi and bye

This may shock you but the simplest way for you to engage and build rapport with your people is to say hi and bye.

When you start the day, try to say hi to everyone. If you’re doing this remotely, ask everyone how they’re going in a group chat.

Not only is this polite, but it’s also an informal way of checking in on their wellbeing.

When you end the day, try and say bye to everyone and ask them how their day was.

This gives your staff a chance to raise what’s on their mind before the day is up, rather than think about it outside of work.

2. Ask them what they’re into

Yes, this sounds simple. But it’s not everyone’s natural instinct to make small talk.

You may dislike small talk or just think it makes things unprofessional.

When in fact, it’s one of the easiest ways to build rapport as you find out more things you can ask your staff about.

Ask them things like:

  • “How is your child/pet/partner/spouse?”
  • “What are your hobbies?”
  • “What are your plans for the weekend?”

3. Give feedback and praise regularly

Everyone loves a bit of praise. And constructive feedback goes a long way to support your staff.

When you give feedback on a regular basis, you create engagement.

Call out someone’s success when they deserve it but be sure to share praise across all team members.

4. Have an open-door policy

You don’t need an actual door to have an open-door policy. It means being available to your staff when they need you inside working hours.

It cuts down the formality of them only speaking to you in forums such as a regular team meeting.

Encourage your team to be open with their communication and feedback. Remind them you have an open-door policy.