Stage 1: gather corporate documents

Understand the position’s roles within the organisation.

For example:

  • annual report
  • committee memberships
  • position description
  • strategic plan.

Stage 2: conduct interview

Validate information from stage 1 and probe as required:

  • incumbent
  • previous position holder
  • validation interview with supervisor as necessary.

Stage 3: score the position

  • assess the 8 competency and accountability criteria using the scoring template.
  • validate against applicable work streams.
  • make a classification recommendation of where the position sites in the 3-band Public Entity Senior Executive Service (PESES) structure.

Stage 4: produce findings report

  • moderation of all assessment outcomes to produce a high-level overview and make recommendations.
  • produce a findings report for the entity head.

Stage 5: implementation decision

Alignment of outcomes

Entity head:

  • decides how and when to align outcomes.
  • consider next steps including time of any classification amendments and potential impact on remuneration and executive structure.