Campaign video

Three of our Victorian public sector employees with disability share their hybrid work experiences.

Real stories from real employees

We asked 3 Victorian public sector employees with disability to share their hybrid work experiences.

They told us some highs, some lows and what we can do to be a more inclusive workforce.

While we filmed them, 3 people close to them watched on to hear about their experiences at work firsthand.

Chelsea’s story

Chelsea talks to her friend about why we need to listen and ask employees with disability what they need to thrive at work.

Sam’s story

Sam talks with her mum about why we need to be flexible including when people work from home or in the office.

Fiona’s story

Fiona speaks with her husband about why we need to factor in our different lived experiences when we work in teams.

Tips and resources

About the campaign

Hybrid work is when you work remotely and in the office over your work week. This campaign asks you: what are you doing to support inclusive hybrid work?

Now that hybrid work is part of many Victorian public sector workplaces, we want you to hear the real experiences of employees with disability. We want to empower you to act to be more inclusive. And we want everyone to have a dignified experience at work.

So watch the videos. Hear our employees’ stories. And help make the public sector more inclusive when you and your team do hybrid work.

Produced as a partnership:

Department of Transport and Planning logo and Victorian Public Sector Commission logo