How to access

Access all services at Buying for Victoria


Your diversity and inclusion or HR teams will arrange payment for these services.

Services offered

Neurodivergent employees can access counselling or coaching. People managers can access training for themselves and their teams.

You can be on a fixed-term contract, secondment or a casual. All services can be online, on-site, ongoing or on-demand.

The services focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder (or ASD)and ADHD. In the future, we’ll add services for other neurodivergent identities.

Neurodivergent employees

When you use this service, your personal information is confidential.

You can get counselling on:

  • career development
  • hard workplace situations
  • how to talk about your workplace adjustment needs
  • your day-to-day work
  • recruitment process.

To use this, meet with your manager or diversity and inclusion or HR teams.

They may need to speak with someone else to approve it. But they won’t reveal who you are.

You can share this page with your manager if they don’t know about these services. Your manager can learn how they and your team can support you.

People managers

You can use these services to:

  • increase your team’s awareness about neurodiversity
  • support your neurodivergent employees
  • run training on things like what neurodiversity is, inclusive recruitment and more.

It’s good to use these services within 12 weeks of when an employee starts.

Speak with your diversity and inclusion team for a full list of services and prices.

Manager obligations

The law says you must take steps to support employees with disability.

These services will help you support your neurodivergent employee with:

Your employee doesn’t have to share any health information to get these services.

Their use of these services must be confidential. This includes when you approve funds.

Read more in the Federal Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 2010.

About neurodiversity

Neurodiversity is a normal variation in how some people think and act.

It includes:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Dyspraxia, known as developmental coordination disorder (DCD)
  • Specific learning disorders, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia.

Neurodiversity confidence

We want inclusive and safe public sector workplaces.

Neurodiversity confidence means you:

  • have the skills to hire and support neurodivergent employees as they grow their career
  • know how to use policies to make neurodivergent employees feel included
  • can reach more job applicants
  • play a role in changing what the community thinks
  • work to remove barriers to successful and meaningful employment.

These services support Getting to work: ⁠Victorian public sector disability employment action plan 2018 to 2025.