Key findings

The key findings are for the Victorian public sector.

Positive views from respondents:

  • 80% feel their workgroup operates to deliver quality services
  • 71% feel positive about their organisation’s culture with respect to different diversity groups
  • 76% feel their workgroup supports each other
  • 69% feel they have equal employment opportunities
  • 68% feel positive about their workgroup’s innovation climate
  • 63% feel positive about their senior leaders.

The most reported barriers to working optimally were:

  • competing priorities
  • decision-making and authorisation processes
  • technology limitations.

Other responses were:

  • 63% agree with positive statements on how their organisation supports flexible working
  • 62% use one or more flexible working arrangements.

Organisation integrity: fair and respectful treatment of employees, clients and stakeholders in 2019 and 2021

This graph shows the percentage of respondents who agree their organisation operates, implements policy and delivers services fairly and equitably.

We need the community to have high trust in how we work and what we do.

The results combine agree and strongly agree answers to these statements:

  • My organisation encourages employees to act in ways that are consistent with human rights.
  • My organisation respects the human rights of employees.
  • My organisation encourages respectful workplace behaviours.
  • My organisation takes steps to eliminate bullying, harassment and discrimination.
  • My organisation is committed to earning a high level of public trust.
  • My organisation does not tolerate improper conduct.
  • My organisation makes fair recruitment and promotion decisions, based on merit.

Flexible work in 2021

This graph shows the percentage of respondents who agree their organisation supports flexible work.

Supporting flexible work can improve employee wellbeing.

The results combine agree and strongly agree answers to these statements:

  • I have the flexibility I need to manage my work and non-work activities and responsibilities.
  • I am confident that if I requested a flexible work arrangement, it would be given due consideration.
  • My organisation supports employees with family or other caring responsibilities, regardless of gender.
  • Using flexible work arrangements is not a barrier to success in my organisation.
  • Having family responsibilities is not a barrier to success in my organisation.
  • Having caring responsibilities is not a barrier to success in my organisation.
  • There is a positive culture within my organisation in relation to employees who use flexible work arrangements.
  • There is a positive culture within my organisation in relation to employees who have caring responsibilities.
  • There is a positive culture within my organisation in relation to employees who have family responsibilities.

Flexible work arrangements in 2021

This graph shows the types of flexible work arrangements respondents use.

The results may add up to more than 100% because respondents could choose more than one answer.

Equal employment opportunity in 2019 and 2021

This graph shows the percentage of respondents who agree their organisation supports equal opportunity in the workplace.

This is a Victorian public sector employment principle and is set out in the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.

The results combine agree and strongly agree answers to these statements:

  • Age is not a barrier to success in my organisation.
  • Gender is not a barrier to success in my organisation.
  • Sexual orientation is not a barrier to success in my organisation.
  • Disability is not a barrier to success in my organisation.
  • Cultural background is not a barrier to success in my organisation.
  • Being Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander is not a barrier to success in my organisation.

Barriers to optimal work in 2021

This graph shows what respondents feel are the most significant barriers to working in an optimal way.

Workplace barriers prevent employees from working efficiently and effectively.

The results may add up to more than 100% because respondents could choose more than one answer.

Diversity and inclusion in 2019 and 2021

This graph shows the percentage of respondents who agree their organisation’s culture supports diversity in the workplace.

If employees feel valued and included, it can lead to a positive work environment and higher engagement and productivity.

The results combine agree and strongly agree answers to these statements:

  • There is a positive culture within my organisation in relation to employees of different age groups.
  • There is a positive culture within my organisation in relation to employees of different sexes/genders.
  • There is a positive culture within my organisation in relation to employees who identify as LGBTIQ+.
  • There is a positive culture within my organisation in relation to employees from varied cultural backgrounds.
  • There is a positive culture within my organisation in relation to employees who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
  • There is a positive culture within my organisation in relation to employees with disability.

Gender equality and support measures in 2021

This graph shows the percentage of respondents who agree their organisation implements measures to support gender equality.

Under the Gender Equality Act 2020, organisations must take action to promote gender equality in the workplace.

The results combine agree and strongly agree answers to these statements:

  • My organisation would support me if I needed to take family violence leave.
  • My organisation uses inclusive and respectful images and language.
  • In my workgroup work is allocated fairly, regardless of gender.

Quality service delivery in 2019 and 2021

This graph shows the percentage of respondents who agree their workgroup operates to deliver quality services.

To do this well, employees need to be motivated, make impartial decisions and have clear accountabilities.

The public sector must provide high-quality services in a timely way to meet the needs of Victorians.

The results combine agree and strongly agree answers to these statements:

  • My workgroup strives to make the best use of its resources.
  • My workgroup has clear lines of responsibility.
  • My workgroup focuses on making decisions informed by all relevant facts.
  • My workgroup places a priority on acting fairly and without bias.
  • My workgroup values human rights.
  • My workgroup strives to provide high-quality advice and services.
  • My workgroup strives to deliver services in a timely manner.

Innovation in 2019 and 2021

This graph shows the percentage of respondents who agree their organisation is innovative with its operations.

Innovation can reduce costs, create public value and lead to higher quality services.

The results combine agree and strongly agree answers to these statements:

  • My workgroup respectfully consults with clients and stakeholders to improve outcomes.
  • My workgroup is quick to respond to opportunities to do things better.
  • My workgroup takes reasonable risks to improve its services.
  • My workgroup encourages employee creativity.
  • My workgroup learns from failures and mistakes.

Workgroup support in 2021

This graph shows the percentage of respondents who agree that people work together and support each other in their organisation.

Collaboration can lead to higher team satisfaction, performance and effectiveness.

The results combine agree and strongly agree answers to these statements:

  • People in my workgroup treat each other with respect.
  • People in my workgroup work together effectively to get the job done.
  • People in my workgroup actively support diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • People in my workgroup are honest, open and transparent in their dealings.
  • People in my workgroup are politically impartial in their work.
  • People in my workgroup appropriately manage conflicts of interest.
  • People in my workgroup regularly reach out to support me and my wellbeing.
  • I am able to work effectively with others in my workgroup.
  • I am able to work effectively with others outside my immediate workgroup.
  • Workgroups across my organisation willingly share information with each other.

Senior leadership in 2019 and 2021

This graph shows the percentage of respondents who feel supported by senior leaders in their organisation and how well they believe senior leaders communicate.

Supportive senior leaders who communicate well mean employees may feel more connected to their work and organisation.

The results combine agree and strongly agree answers to these statements:

  • Senior leaders model my organisation’s values.
  • Senior leaders provide clear strategy and direction.
  • Senior leaders support staff to work in an environment of change.
  • Senior leaders actively support diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • Senior leaders demonstrate honesty and integrity.