Key facts

We have estimated the number of employees with disability. To do this, we removed the ‘prefer not to say’ answers from the raw data.

We estimate:

  • 6.1% of overall public sector workforce employees identify as a person with disability
  • 8.5% of Victorian Public Service employees identify as a person with disability.

The workplace adjustment numbers are based on the number of people who said ‘yes’ to the People matter survey question ‘Are you a person with disability?’:

  • 29.4% of the overall public sector workforce requested a workplace adjustment.
  • 31.9% of Victorian Public Service employees requested a workplace adjustment.

The most common type of workplace adjustments requested were:

  • flexible working arrangements
  • physical modifications
  • improvements to the workplace.

Employees with disability

The Victorian Government has a plan to increase the number of people with disability in the public sector called Getting to work.

Getting to work is Victoria’s long-term employment plan for people with disability in the public sector.

The plan supports a target of 6% representation of people with disability in the Victorian Public Service by 2020 and 12% by 2025.




Workplace adjustments

Workplace adjustments allow employees to work safely and effectively.

They can include adjustments:

  • to working hours
  • regular breaks
  • non-standard equipment (e.g. standing desk, screen reader, vertical mouse, access to an Auslan interpreter, accessible lift, lighting, or ramps).




Data sets and how we prepare data