Expressions of interest are currently closed

About the program

This initiative connects the Victorian public service with undergraduate students from refugee and asylum seeking backgrounds looking for paid work experience.

It aims to strengthen the cultural capability of managers and staff and increase the attraction and retention of the diverse refugee and asylum seeking community within the public service.

The annual program includes a mandatory 12-week summer program between November 2023 and February 2024 with an optional winter internship during the university holidays.

Interns generally remain in the program until graduation and may return for multiple internships by mutual agreement with departments and agencies.

The Victorian Public Sector Commission manages the program with CareerSeekers to match interns to suitable opportunities.

How the program works

CareerSeekers will:

  • promote internship opportunities to prospective interns
  • match you with potential interns
  • provide work readiness training to interns pre-internship
  • help interns create a professional development plan and set goals
  • host regular manager and intern check-ins
  • provide ongoing support to interns throughout the year
  • host interns at events for program launch and end of internship
  • provide a manager briefing session before your intern starts
  • run a leadership program which interns take part in
  • support interns post-internship academic and professional planning, including specific program support during their final year of university.

You will:

  • review CVs and conduct an interview with your candidate
  • onboard your intern
  • allocate a buddy to provide support
  • set clear expectations and work goals
  • engage your intern in meaningful work
  • set up regular check-ins and provide regular feedback
  • complete a performance evaluation at the end of the internship
  • be available to your intern when they need you
  • support your intern during the learning and develop program
  • attend program events or professional development workshops as required.

We will:

  • run virtual networking events
  • run professional development workshops
  • check-in with you and your intern regularly
  • host welcome and end of program events for interns and managers.

Program costs

Program costs include the:

  • intern’s salary
  • annual program fee.

Intern salary costs

Interns are employed at VPS Grade 2.1.1 or equivalent for a 12-week internship placement.

This includes:

  • $13,116 plus overheads, effective 1 December 2023. (Note salaries increase on 1 December 2023 in line with the current Enterprise Agreement. This amount is reflected here)
  • an optional 4-week winter internship placement at an additional $4,372 plus overheads, effective 1 December 2023.

Annual program fee

CareerSeekers program fee per intern is $6,500, plus GST.

This fee covers:

  • ongoing work readiness training and support from CareerSeekers throughout the year
  • matching interns to roles within your organisation. This includes interns who have previously completed a summer internship with your organisation.

The learning and development fee

The learning and development fee per intern is $500, plus GST.

This fee covers:

  • welcome event
  • virtual networking catch-ups
  • professional learning and development events and workshops.

Key dates

The summer program runs for 12 weeks, from November 2023 to February 2024.

  • expressions of interest open: 12 July 2023
  • expressions of interest close: 18 August 2023
  • shortlist and interviews close: 15 September 2023
  • formal offers finalised: 31 October 2023

Contact us

Find out more about our program partner at CareerSeekers or via email to Kati Regan, Program Director at Career Seekers at