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Public Administration Act 2004 An Act to establish values and principles to guide conduct and performance within the public sector; to ensure a public sector that responds to government priorities in a manner that is consistent with public sector values; provides effective, efficient and integrated service delivery; and is accountable for its performance. Department of Premier and Cabinet
Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 An Act to protect human rights by establishing a Charter of Human Rights for Victoria, and by establishing the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission to report on its operation. Department of Justice
Equal Opportunity Act 2010 An Act to promote recognition and acceptance of every Victorian’s right to equality of opportunity, to eliminate (as far as possible) discrimination and sexual harassment, and to provide redress for people who have been discriminated against or sexually harassed. Department of Justice
Victorian Public Sector Commission The VPSC has responsibility for promoting high standards of integrity and conduct in the public sector

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Code of Conduct for Victorian Public Sector Employees Prescribes the behaviour expected of public sector employees. Victorian Public Sector Commissioner
Code of Conduct for Victorian Public Sector Employees of Special Bodies Prescribes the behaviour expected of public sector employees of special bodies. Victorian Public Sector Commissioner
Managing Conflicts of Interest Assists public sector employees to avoid actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest. Victorian Public Sector Commissioner
Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy Framework Sets minimum requirements and accountabilities for the Victorian public sector and guides the development and review of policies. Victorian Public Sector Commissioner
Register of Lobbyists A public document containing information about lobbyists who make representations to government on behalf of their clients. Victorian Public Sector Commissioner
Victorian Government Professional Lobbyist Code of Conduct Provides advice to both lobbyists and government representatives to ensure that contact between them is conducted in accordance with public expectations of transparency, integrity and honesty. Victorian Public Sector Commissioner