Annual declaration of private interests (DOPI)

Additional requirements apply to some employees.

Employees in certain roles must complete an annual declaration of private interests form, commonly known as a DOPI.

This means they must list certain private interests on a DOPI form, such as real estate.

If a private interest listed on a DOPI raises a conflict of interest, the usual conflict of interest declaration and management plan process then occurs (unless your organisation has decided upon a different process).

Model form

We offer a model DOPI form, which many organisations use or adapt. If you are completing a DOPI, use your organisation’s own form.

Who must complete a DOPI

Usually, employees in the following roles must complete a DOPI:

  • executive officers, including acting executive officers receiving higher duties
  • employees with a financial delegation of $20,000 or more (your organisation may nominate a different figure)
  • employees directed to do so by their manager – for example, if there is a high risk of conflict of interest inherent in a work duty or private interest the employee has
  • employees in any other role designated by your organisation as needing a DOPI. Any such roles will usually be listed in or linked to from your organisation’s policy.

Annual and other DOPIs

Employees in the above roles must complete a DOPI:

  • upon appointment to their position
  • annually after appointment
  • if their interests that must be listed on the form change, within the time limit set by your organisation. For example, 5 working days.

Process if a DOPI contains a conflict

If a conflict of interest is identified in a DOPI by an employee or their manager then (unless your organisation’s policy states otherwise):

  • the manager notes this on the DOPI
  • the employee and manager complete the usual conflict of interest – declaration and management plan form
  • the approved plan is implemented to manage the conflict.

Variations to this process

The above process helps to ensure all management plans in an organisation are developed and recorded in a consistent manner.

But your organisation can choose to use another process.

For example, some organisations, such as those with a separate DOPI policy, might record the plan for a conflict identified in a DOPI on the DOPI form itself.

DOPI is an additional requirement

The requirement for certain employees to complete a DOPI is an additional requirement to the other requirements in your organisation’s policy.


An executive officer completes their annual DOPI. A couple of months later they are appointed to a recruitment panel.

As a separate requirement, their organisation requires them to complete a conflict of interest – declaration and management plan form for the task of being on the recruitment panel.