About the model policy

It is essential that your organisation has a conflict of interest policy which is consistent with the public sector values in section 7 of the Public Administration Act 2004 (the Act) and the relevant employee code of conduct issued by the Victorian Public Sector Commission.

Your organisation can use the model policy to develop a suitable conflict of interest policy that applies to:

  • employees
  • consultants and others required by contract to comply with your organisation’s policy
  • other workplace participants (if any) that your organisation chooses to apply their policy to.

Some organisations choose to apply their policy more widely – for example, to members of advisory groups not covered by a board policy.

Your organisation should also ensure it has effective procedures to assist your employees to follow its policy.

Model policy

Model policy - Conflict of interest

Model forms and guides

We also offer:

Who can use the model policy

The model policy can be used by all public sector organisations. For example:

  • government departments
  • administrative offices
  • public entities
  • special bodies under section 6 of the Public Administration Act 2004.

Statutory offices can also choose to adopt the model policy.

Adapting the model policy

The model policy isn’t binding on your organisation.

Your organisation can also choose to adapt the model policy, for example to take into account:

  • your organisation’s functions
  • any specific obligations about conflict of interest in your organisation’s establishing Act or terms of reference.

Key things to retain

If your organisation adapts the model policy, we recommend that it retain:

  • the definitions (item 3)
  • the key risk mitigation strategies (item 12).

This will help to maintain consistency of approach across the public sector.

Related resources for non-employees

Board members (directors)

This model policy does not apply to board members (directors).

This is because, whilst they are based on similar principles, the requirements for employees and board members differ.


Your organisation can choose to also have a policy for volunteers.