A number of state level plans underpin our work.
The Victorian Government made a commitment in Absolutely everyone to develop an employment strategy for people with disability. This is because despite the state’s broader economic success, people with disability continue to face barriers and discrimination which leaves them significantly underrepresented in the workforce – and there has been very little change over the past 20 years.
Absolutely everyone
Absolutely everyone is the state disability plan 2017–2020 for the whole of the Victorian Government. We are committing to a range of actions for achieving greater inclusion, in partnership with the community.
Every opportunity
Every opportunity is the Victorian Government’s three year plan to increase the economic participation of people with disability in this state.
Getting to work
Getting to work is the disability employment action plan for the Victorian public sector. It outlines what organisations can do to increase meaningful employment of people with disability across every level of the public sector.
Read Getting to work: Victorian public sector disability employment action plan 2018–2025