Key findings

The key findings are for the Victorian public sector.

Positive views of respondents show:

  • 77% feel that people work together and support each other in their organisation
  • 73% feel their organisation supports collaboration in the workplace
  • 77% feel their organisation’s culture supports diversity in the workplace.

Barriers to success reported by most respondents:

  • 7.7% said age
  • 7.3% said mental health
  • 7.0% said caring responsibilities.

Workgroup support

Collaboration can lead to higher team satisfaction, performance and effectiveness.

This graph shows the percentage of respondents who agree that people work together and support each other in their organisation.


Workgroup support – survey questions

The results combine agree and strongly agree answers to these statements:

  • People in my workgroup appropriately manage conflicts of interest
  • People in my workgroup are honest, open and transparent in their dealings
  • People in my workgroup are politically impartial in their work
  • People in my workgroup treat each other with respect
  • People in my workgroup work together effectively to get the job done.



This graph shows the percentage of respondents who agree their organisation supports collaboration in the workplace.


Collaboration – survey questions

The results combine agree and strongly agree answers to these statements:

  • I am able to work effectively with others outside my immediate workgroup
  • Workgroups across my organisation willingly share information with each other.



If employees feel valued and included, it can lead to a positive work environment and higher engagement and productivity.

This graph shows the percentage of respondents who agree their organisation’s culture supports diversity in the workplace.


Inclusion – survey questions

The results combine agree and strongly agree answers to these statements:

  • I can be myself at work
  • I feel as if I belong at this organisation.


Barriers to success

Workplace barriers prevent employees from working efficiently and effectively.

This graph shows what respondents feel are the most significant barriers to working in an optimal way.

The results may add up to more than 100% because respondents could choose more than one answer.




Data set

This .CSV file has the data for each survey question on this page.

Workgroup behaviour 2022 (1kb)