
  • Nominate a public entity employee to work with the department.
  • Think purposefully about the role of the department and the public entity to identify opportunities to collaborate.
  • Prioritise building an effective and open working relationship with the department. 
  • Ensure you understand the public entity’s specific legislated governance and functions, including any limitations on independence. 
  • Understand any obligations on your public entity to advise the department.
  • Communicate regularly with the department through established meetings and on ad hoc issues as they arise. 
  • Raise significant risks with the department.
  • Seek advice and support from the department on governance and public administration matters.
  • Ensure that relevant public entity staff are aware of any compliance obligations in relation to whole of government policy. 
  • Transfer knowledge between staff to ensure the relationship with the department is maintained.
  • Ensure contact details are available to relevant staff in the department.


  • Overestimate the public entity’s level of independence from government.
  • Dismiss communication from the department as not applying to the public entity, except where the public entity is clearly not in scope.  
  • Avoid communication with the department on significant matters or risks, noting that public entities have legal obligations to advise the minister and the department.
  • Brief the minister directly, without the knowledge of the department, unless it is appropriate under the public entity’s legislation.