News6 October 2020
How to use special measures in recruitment
The Victorian Public Sector Commission has released new guidance to support hiring managers in the…
News19 August 2020
Maintaining integrity when working remotely
As part of the Victorian Government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, a significant proportion of…
News30 June 2020
New Victorian Public Sector Commissioner
Minister for Government Services Danny Pearson today announced Adam Fennessy PSM has been named…
News4 June 2020
How to induct and onboard employees working remotely
The sudden rise in remote working across the public sector has impacts across the employee…
News30 April 2020
How to hire when working remotely
The coronavirus crisis is temporarily changing how people live, work and go about their lives.…
News14 April 2020
5 ways to support employees with disability to work remotely during corona
Advice you can use in your team right now as a public sector manager. 1.…