About this guide

This guide has been designed to help Victorian public sector Board Chairs and Directors conduct the CEO recruitment process. A companion guide focuses on assessing CEO performance. Both guides provide prompts and reminders for Board Directors, especially Chairs, who already have some skills and experience in conducting recruitment processes, evaluating performance, and providing constructive feedback.1

While these guides focus on recruiting and assessing the CEO, the processes and principles described also apply to the recruitment and performance assessment of other senior executives. (In which case the roles ascribed in these publications to the Chair and Board would be undertaken by the CEO and executive team.)

Key terms

Term Description
Board In the case of a public entity that has a governing body, that governing body. In any other case, the members of the public entity or, in the case of a Commissioner entity, the person who comprises the Commissioner entity.

Board Director


In relation to a public entity, means a member of the Board of the public entity.

Board Secretary


An employee of an entity whose duties in whole or in part are to act as secretary to the Board of the entity.
CEO Chief Executive Officer.

The person appointed by either a Minister as the Chair of the Board, or elected by the Board.


Enabling legislation


An Act of Parliament, set of regulations, statutory instrument or other document setting out the powers, functions and organisational structure of an entity.


Executive search consultant


A consultant with specialist expertise in sourcing and evaluating candidates for senior executive roles.



The Government Sector Executive Remuneration Panel. The panel supervises the Government’s policy on executive remuneration for Public Entities in the Victorian Public Sector.


Recruitment sub- committee


A sub-committee of the Board charged with managing the process of recruiting the CEO.

Selection panel


 The people involved in interviewing candidates and referees, reviewing evidence of candidate capability, and ranking candidates on the basis of the evidence collected. The selection panel may comprise members of the Board and people from outside the organisation with relevant expertise.



  1.  The people involved in interviewing candidates and referees, reviewing evidence of candidate capability, and ranking candidates on the basis of the evidence collected. The selection panel may comprise members of the Board and people from outside the organisation with relevant expertise.