The focus areas within our Accessibility Action Plan are linked to the guiding principles of the Commission.
Focus area 1: Workplace accessibility
Inclusive practices for employment of people with disability will create a safe and accessible working culture.
Increased diversity within VPSC’s workforce.
Action 1.1
Recruitment opportunities across the organisation ensure fair and equitable access to all roles at all levels.
Success measure
Meet the Victorian Government’s Getting to Work disability employment action plan target of 12 per cent disability employment by 2025 and beyond.
Corporate and Digital Services to lead in consultation with all people leaders across the commission.
Action 1.2
Graduate positions offered at VPSC are prioritised for people with disability and or diverse backgrounds.
Success measure
VPSC graduate positions are prioritised for people with disability or diverse background.
Throughout the life of the plan.
Corporate and Digital Services to lead in consultation with all people leaders across the commission.
Action 1.3
Internship opportunities at VPSC are targeted or prioritised for people with a disability and or diverse backgrounds.
Success measure
VPSC internship positions are prioritised for people with disability or diverse background.
Throughout the life of the plan.
Corporate and Digital Services to lead in consultation with all people leaders across the commission.
Focus area 2: Communications and engagement
Equitable access to information, knowledge and opportunity establishes a platform for positive interactions for people with disability.
Accessible communications and engagement.
Action 2.1
- Redesign and refresh the VPSC website to meet compliance with relevant accessibility standards and guidelines as per legislation.
- Conduct an accessibility audit following the website refresh to ensure compliance.
- Conduct an accessibility audit of other digital platforms managed by the Commission, including Innovation Network, Careers.Vic, and Jobs and Skills Exchange.
- Ensure VPSC e-learn modules (where available) are Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 compliant.
Success measures
- VPSC website refreshed and compliant with accessibility standards.
- Accessibility audit of the new website completed.
- Identified accessibility issues are addressed and resolved.
- Accessibility audits for Innovation Network, Careers.Vic, and Jobs and Skills Exchange completed.
- All VPSC e-learning modules purchased or developed are evaluated and confirmed as WCAG 2.2 compliant.
- Refresh: financial year 2025 to 2026.
- Audit: financial year 2026 to 2027.
- Corporate and Digital Services.
- Communications and Engagement.
Action 2.2
On the VPSC intranet, create an ‘Accessibility Hub’ to raise awareness of disability and chronic conditions, outline workplace accessibility features, communicate available support, and track progress of the Accessibility Action Plan.
Success measure
‘Accessibility Hub’ created and communicated to staff.
Financial year 2024 to 2025.
- Corporate and Digital Services.
- Communications and Engagement.
Focus area 3: Accessible processes and systems
Policies, frameworks, and systems that include accessibility criteria will enable inclusive and equal participation for people with disability.
Inclusive workplace practices.
Action 3.1
Review and update VPSC’s social procurement framework and policy to ensure it is in line with the VPS framework.
Success measures
- Accessibility and inclusion selection criteria are embedded in VPSC’s procurement practices, with suppliers demonstrating compliance through social procurement reporting.
- VPSC engages suppliers who actively employ or support individuals with disabilities.
- ICT-related suppliers comply with the Australian ICT accessibility standard (AS EN 301 549:2020).
Corporate and Digital Services.
Action 3.2
Review and update VPSC processes to ensure that people with disabilities receive all necessary and reasonable workplace adjustments at every stage of the employee lifecycle. This includes:
- implementing and monitoring workplace adjustments to ensure they are effectively supporting employees with disabilities.
- removing job requirements that may create barriers for people with disabilities in job descriptions.
- ensuring recruitment information is inclusive of people with disabilities.
- providing hiring managers and interview panel members with techniques and guidance to foster inclusive recruitment and interview practices.
Success measures
- Employees with disability are encouraged to work with their P&C representatives to raise issues and suggest improvements in VPSC policies, frameworks and systems that include accessibility criteria.
- Employees with disability have access to support they need in their workplace and can engage fully in the social and working life at VPSC.
- All necessary workplace adjustments are provided and actioned, ensuring employees with disabilities can fully participate in the workplace.
- Employees with disabilities report satisfaction with the workplace adjustments and feel empowered to fully engage in both work and social aspects of the VPSC.
- Staff with a disability indicate in PMS they do not experience discrimination and can access adjustments, reflecting a supportive and inclusive environment.
Corporate and Digital Services.
Action 3.3
Provide the Executive Management Board (EMB) with regular reports on VPSC’s diversity data, including data on employees with disabilities, gathered from People Matter Survey (PMS), pulse surveys, exit interviews, and other feedback mechanisms. The EMB will use this data to review and make adjustments to recruitment, retention, and workplace policies to improve inclusivity and the employee experience of people with disabilities.
Success measures
- The EMB regularly reviews VPSC’s diversity data, particularly regarding employees with disabilities.
- Informed adjustments are made to recruitment, retention, and policy practices to address any identified barriers and challenges.
- Improved reporting and understanding of the demographic profile and workplace experience of employees with disabilities at VPSC.
Corporate and Digital Services.
Insights and Advisory.
Focus area 4: Access to facilities
Following Universal Design Principles and building beyond compliance delivers equitable and dignified access to our premises.
Physical office environment.
Action 4.1
- Conduct an accessibility audit of the new VPSC premises and develop a report for remedial action.
- Implement a Dignified Access Checklist to provide a strong foundation for ongoing accessibility.
- Ensure personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPs) and workplace adjustments (including flexible work arrangements if required) are in place and regularly reviewed.
Success measures
- Accessibility audit of premises has been completed, and a report prioritising actionable recommendations is developed.
- Accessibility review of premises has been completed and a report developed that prioritises actions for implementation, depending on budget, necessary remedial actions from the audit are implemented.
- Any future changes to the physical office environment are made in accordance with Universal Design and Design for Dignity principles.
- The Dignified Access Checklist is adopted for annual accessibility audits by the OHS Committee, with improvements documented and addressed where feasible.
- Dignified Access Checklist used to conduct annual accessibility audits of VPSC’s premises and recommended improvements recorded and rectified where possible.
- Personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPs), workplace adjustments, and flexible work arrangements are implemented as needed, with regular assessments to ensure all employees are appropriately supported.
Financial year 2024 to 2025.
Corporate and Digital Services..
Focus area 5: Reporting, Governance and Continuous Improvement
Strong monitoring and review mechanisms ensures that VPSC remains accountable and focused on improving outcomes for people with disability.
Workplace governance and continuous improvement.
Action 5.1
Continuously monitor and review VPSC’s access and inclusion activities to ensure they meet organisational needs. Provide regular reports to key stakeholders to ensure accountability, transparency, and continuous improvement.
Success measures
- Progress and outcomes on actions within VPSC’s Accessibility Action Plan are reported annually in the VPSC Annual Report, with the plan lodged with the Australian Human Rights Commission to demonstrate public commitment to accessibility.
- Regular reports on access and inclusion activities are provided to the Executive Management Board, HRWI Subcommittee, and People and Culture Committee for review, ensuring continuous improvement and accountability.
- Employment targets for people with disabilities are actively monitored and addressed, with recruitment strategies designed to increase representation where necessary.
- Incremental improvements in the employee experience of people with disabilities are tracked and evidenced through feedback from the People Matter Survey and other mechanisms.
Corporate and Digital Services.