
The Commission’s services include:

  • strengthening the efficiency, effectiveness, and capability of the public sector in order to meet existing and emerging needs and deliver high quality services; and
  • maintaining, and advocating for, public sector professionalism and integrity.

The Commission is predominantly funded by Parliamentary appropriations for the provision of outputs. The Parliamentary appropriations are received by the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) and on-forwarded to the Commission in the form of grants. Other than grants from DPC the Commission also receives grants and fee for service income from other Victorian Government agencies.

2.1 Income that funds the delivery of our services

Notes 2022
Income from transactions
Grants 2.2 32,040,306 12,871,414
Provision of services 2.3 7,826,209 5,054,447
Total income 39,866,515 17,925,861

2.2 Grants

Grants from Department of Premier and Cabinet 29,836,157 11,774,728
Other grants from Victorian Government agencies 2,204,149 1,096,686
Total grants 32,040,306 12,871,414

Income from grants (other than contribution by owners) is recognised when the Commission obtains control over the contribution.

The Commission has determined that this grant income is recognised as income of not-for-profit entities in accordance with AASB 1058, except for grants that are reciprocal in nature (i.e. equal value is given back by the recipient of the grant to the provider) and are enforceable with sufficiently specific performance obligations, they are accounted for as revenue from contracts with customers in accordance with AASB 15.

Income from grants that are enforceable and with sufficiently specific performance obligations and accounted for as revenue from contracts with customers.

Income from grants without any sufficiently specific performance obligations, or that are not enforceable, is recognised when the Commission has an unconditional right to receive cash which usually coincides with raising of invoices by the Commission. In the situation of grants from the Department of Premier and Cabinet, income is recognised when the grants are transferred to the Commission.

2.3 Provision of services

Training income 1,967,911 1,513,667
Other services 5,858,298 3,540,780
Total provision of services 7,826,209 5,054,447

The Provision of service income includes transactions that the Commission has determined to be classified as revenue from contracts with customers in accordance with AASB 15.

Performance obligations and revenue recognition policies

Revenue is measured based on the consideration specified in the contract with the customer. The Commission recognises revenue when it transfers control of a service to the customer, i.e. when, or as, the performance obligations for the provision of services to the customer are satisfied.

For services rendered, where customers simultaneously receive and consume the services as it is provided, revenue is recognised progressively as contract assets until the customer is subsequently invoiced in accordance with the terms of the service agreement. For other customers that are only able to consume the services when they have been completed, revenue is only recognised upon completion and delivery of the services. In rare circumstance where there may be a change in the scope of services provided, the customer will be provided with a new contract for the additional services to be rendered and revenue is recognised consistent with accounting policy above.

Consideration received in advance of recognising the associated revenue from the customer is recorded as a contract liability. Where the performance obligations are satisfied but not yet billed, a contract asset is recorded.