Indicator 1: Gender composition of all levels of the workforce
- Gender equality is front of mind across the organisation
- Our workforce is gender equal, diverse and inclusive
- We counter the compounded effects of intersectional inequality
Indicator 2: Gender composition of the governing body
- The Commission’s strategic direction is equally influenced by men, women and people with self-described gender
- We value advice that upholds our culture of service
Indicator 3: Equal remuneration for work of equal or comparable value across all levels, irrespective of gender
- We are conscious of the dynamic pay gap
- We use evidence to close the gender pay gap across all levels
- We offer equal pay for equal work
- The overall pay gap is eliminated by 2023
Indicator 4: Sexual harassment in the workplace
- People know what to do if they experience or witness sexual harassment
- There is reduced occurrence of sexual harassment
- People feel safe and respected at work
Indicator 5: Recruitment and promotion practices in the workplace
- Recruitment and promotion practices are fair and unbiased
- People steer their own development
- We design for gender diversity and inclusion
Indicator 6: Availability and utilisation of terms, conditions and practices relating to family violence leave, flexible working arrangements and working arrangements supporting workers with family or caring responsibilities
- Flexible work is the norm in our workplace, right to the top
- People feel supported to balance their professional, family and community responsibilities
- A person’s career progression is not limited by their work arrangement
Indicator 7: Gendered segregation in the workplace
- Our management team is gender equal
- We challenge gender norms and stereotypes
- Women and people of self-described gender are supported to lead in public and professional forums
- Policy and practice support societal progress toward gender equality